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We are proud to partner with each of these local and worldwide ministries who are actively serving and meeting needs of people in every walk of life. We encourage our members to give financially, but also to give of their time and talents to serve alongside these ministry partners.
3E mckinney
3e equips The Church to engage our community with the Gospel of the Kingdom to empower the under-resourced.
Empowering our Neighbors in need through relationships and comprehensive services to impact current and future generations. Providing Financial assistance, job placement, mentoring, coaching, and budget accountability to help neighbors create a lifetime of change.
Shiloh Place
Equipping single mothers with financial independence and personal wholeness by addressing their physical, educational, emotional, and spiritual needs.We provide basic needs (housing, childcare, utilities, etc.), case management, and tuition for job training or career development; however, we expect the moms in our program to be committed and work hard toward their goals.
OM usa | terre haas
We support Terre Haas who serves with Operation Mobilization. OM is an international missions sending organization. They send both short and long term missionaries worldwide, & offer guidance and resources to those seeking to use their professional talents to open doors for the gospel in other countries.
Hope Women's Center
A non-profit medical clinic serving Collin County and the surrounding North Dallas area. We provide free medical services and accurate information on all options regarding unplanned pregnancy Provides pregnancy testing , ultra sounds, STD testing, counseling support for men and women, Parenting classes and post- abortion support.
Cooperative outreach India
COI is enabling indigenous leaders to reach the unreached people groups in South Asia through church planting and various social justice initiatives. The Genesis of Hope sponsorship program reaches out to children in extreme poverty with food, education and health care. The "Haqeeqat" talk show is engaging millions in the Muslim world to hear the gospel truth from their own people through satellite TV & social media platforms. COI also has leadership training, water well projects, bible projects and numerous other relief and outreach projects.
Chinese seminary training
Due to the persecution Chinese Christians face, we don't publicize their names or locations. Our missionary partner, a native of central China, studied at Dallas Theological Seminary, and in 2001 founded the Ark Project. For twenty years he has been equipping Chinese nationals and making disciples of China’s one billion plus population through preaching and teaching the Word of God. His emphasis in recent years, as he is completing his doctoral studies, is training China’s house church leaders to reach their world for Christ.
WOL | Laci Kadar
Creating faith-defining experiences that give students and families the opportunity to encounter God and grow in their spiritual walks. Word of life reaches out to share Christ with the youth of Hungary through a Bible institute, summer camps for youth and ministries through local churches.
CRU | Codi & Courtney Jarboe
We support the Jarboe family as they serve with CRU [formerly campus crusade for christ]. Cody is a Ministry partner development coach in AL, AR, LA, MS, OK and TX for CRU. CRU is a worldwide leader in Campus ministries that seeks to reach and disciple college students.
Zion's hope
Zion's Hope focuses on proclaiming the gospel to the Jewish people. They publish Zion’s Fire, a bimonthly magazine on the Bible, geopolitical events affecting the Middle East, the U.S. and the world. The magazine is mailed nationally & internationally. They also have missionaries serving in Israel and the Middle East, sponsor short missions every year to Israel. & provide teaching materials and online resources.
EAST WEST | Sergey Li
Sergey Li and his family are continuing their work in Balkhash Kazakhstan through their Language Center where students in their local community are learning English. They are using this platform to lead their community to faith, to train and empower other church planters in Central Asia to use the same model, and have watched their local church grow to over 30 people.
Connecting willing hands with opportunities to serve children in foster, adoptive and kinship care. By partnering with Embrace you’re helping children lingering in the foster care system find the love and stability of a forever family. You’re ministering to foster parents through respite care, support groups and valuable training. You’re supporting teens who “age-out” of foster care without an adoptive family.
Collin Baptist Association
A network of Baptist churches that connect, collaborate, and engage in the work of sharing the gospel in Collin county and beyond. CBA is involved in church planting, supports local churches and staff with resources, and has a disaster relief ministry (Collin Baptist Men).
SBC Coop Program
A collection of like-minded churches working in cooperation with one another to impact the whole world with the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Our ability to support these local and worldwide ministries is made possible by the faithful giving of our members. To give, visit our secure giving page.
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